
Woolloongabba Art Gallery

613 Stanley St, Woolloongabba Qld 4102
p: +61 7 3891 5551 ~ e: email@wag.com.au
open: Tue-Fri 10am-5pm ~ Sat 10am-3pm

Artist Statement

Images From The North


Most of these images are aesthetic imitations of the landscape. Places created for the artist and the viewer to roam through as one would do at an amusement park or country fair. This may seem a rather primitive concept, but also remains a pleasure for the viewer to participate in the landscape as a stimulation for the imagination. Who lives in these places? Who visits the beaches and climbs the rocky cliffs? The beauty of a well painted landscape or any other form of imagery is that you cannot become physically threatened by the image. When I painted the scapes, I felt I could take my family there for a day trip or an outing where no one could be harmed in any way.

These images were not painted in a chronological order. The works painted between them are heavy and aggressive surreal paintings with strong sexual social and spiritual themes. They are my escape and as all my works are, as I have stated many times, “I leave it to the viewers interpretation” and the consequences that incurs.