
Woolloongabba Art Gallery

613 Stanley St, Woolloongabba Qld 4102
p: +61 7 3891 5551 ~ e: email@wag.com.au
open: Tue-Fri 10am-5pm ~ Sat 10am-3pm

Finding Place

Robert Mercer

Robert Mercer – Finding Place

Through the process of reshaping and re-evaluating a collection of photographic imagery from 1988 to 2021, I have attempted to negotiate a place and cultural identity of a diasporic person: a person who has moved between people, cultures and landscapes. It is the allegorical nature of reading a text through another that is a central aspect of my art practice.

In the conclusions of his study 'Origin of the German Trauerspiel (Tragic Drama)', Walter Benjamin remarked, “to hold its own against the tendency to absorption, the allegorical must constantly unfold in new and surprising ways.” ― Robert Mercer

Click on thumbnails below for artwork details.

Please contact the gallery for purchases.

All images available as signed archival prints in any of the following sizes:

330(h) x 320(w) mm $1,250
720(h) x 700(w) mm $2,500
